Senior Adult Classes

Beginners Spanish III

Mondays, March 24 - May 12, 2025 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Lawrence Family JCC

Students will learn to discuss the near future, daily activities, and past experiences with confidence. They’ll master pronouns for known information, expand vocabulary, make comparisons, and communicate effectively using the past tense.

New students will receive an assessment prior to enrollment.

Price: $185 | JCC Member Price: $150

Beginners Spanish III Add to Cart


Thursdays | 4:00-5:00 pm
January 16, February 27, March 19, April 23, May 21

Who do you turn to when you have questions about your computer and/or smartphone? Your grandkids? Never fear if they’re not here, we have teens for you! Whether you want to make font sizes larger on your screen and phone, establish a Skype or Facebook account, learn word processing tips, set up email, take photos with your phone, or whatever, come learn from the younger generation how it is done on your device!

This free service is a collaboration between the JCC Senior & Teen Departments, the JCC's Teen Leadership Council, and Camp Jaycee CITs.

RSVP in advance to Senior Dept., (858) 362-1141 with the date(s) you would like to attend and the type of device with which you need assistance. Bring your charged device and questions.

Aerobics for Everyone (all ages)

Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays | 9:15 - 10:10 am
Improve your cardiovascular fitness, range of motion, flexibility, endurance, and energy level.
Gotthelf Dance Studio
Price Per Class: $15; JCC Member Price: Free
For more info, call JCC Guest Services: 858.457.3030.

Aqua Aerobics (all ages)

Tuesdays and Thursdays | 8:30-9:30 am 
Bring your swimsuit and towel and get ready for a water workout!
Friedenberg Olympic Pool
Price Per Class: $15; JCC Member Price: Free
For more info, call JCC Guest Services: 858.457.3030.

Core and Balance

Tuesdays | 10:15-10:45 am
Strengthen your core and improve your balance ability through standing and seated exercises. You'll increase your overall body awareness, core strength, and balance, which will improve confidence in performing everyday activities.
Gotthelf Dance Studio
Price Per Class: $15; JCC Member Price: Free
For more info, call JCC Guest Services: 858.457.3030.

Stretch for Flexibility

Tuesdays and Thursdays | 9:15 - 10:10 am 
Reduce tension in your body by elongating your muscles. This class combines a variety of stretching techniques to open up your body. Adding stretching to your life will prevent muscular strain, tearing, and general soreness. Wear comfy clothes. JCC provides mats if you don't have one.
Gotthelf Dance Studio
Price Per Class: $15; JCC Member Price: Free
For more info, call JCC Guest Services: 858.457.3030.


Free Classes

Offered through San Diego Community College Continuing Ed (Emeritus 55+ program).
The following classes are held at the Lawrence Family JCC.

Fall Semester: September 3, 2019-January 23, 2020: no classes the entire week of Thanksgiving, Winter Break December 23, 2019-January 4, 2020, or on Federal Holidays and certain Jewish holidays

Spring Semester: January 27, 2020-June 3,2020: no classes Spring Break March 30, 2020-April 3,2020, or on Federal Holidays and certain Jewish holidays. The college will have Registration Days on Monday, January 13 and Wednesday, January 15 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm in the JCC Library.

Please visit the San Diego Community College Continuing Education website at for more details. Instructors will have enrollment forms and/or online access codes the first few weeks of classes.

Check with instructors for alternate meeting sites or dates when the JCC does not have regularly scheduled programs during certain Jewish holidays.

Figure Study & Still Life Drawing

Mondays | 8:30 am-12:30 pm 

Study line, mass, proportion and value, space and composition using a variety of pencils, charcoal & brush. 

Piano Keyboard Lessons

Explore your musical talent through learning the fundamentals of piano techniques, musical expression and styles, theory and ear training, recital preparation and experience. Three levels offered:

Beginning Piano for Adults

Mondays | 9:00-10:30 am 

This class is intended for students with little or no piano experience. 

Intermediate Piano for Adults

Mondays | 10:30 am-12:00 pm 

This class is suitable for students with previous piano experience. 

Intermediate-Advanced Piano for Adults

Mondays |12:30-3:30 pm 
This class is intended for students with little or no piano experience. 

Watercolor Painting

Tuesdays | 8:30 am - 12:00 pm (Fall Semester's class ended 12/17.) Resumes for Spring Semester 2/11/20.

Study watercolor fundamentals including color, composition and design. All levels welcome.

Joy of Music & Opera

Tuesdays and Wednesdays | 10:00 am-1:00 pm with Claudia Tornsaufer and Marketa Hancova 

Share your love for music and/or opera! Study the music and operas of classical composers, their styles, forms, musical elements and how their compositions weave into the fabric of cultural history.

World Literature

Tuesdays | 1:30 - 3:30 pm 

Explore a variety of literature types and themes. Discussions will engage class in a larger conversation of what is at stake in literature and the world we inhabit and imagine.

Joy of Music & Opera

See Tuesdays for details

Law and the Retiree/Current Events

Thursdays | 9:30 - 11:30 am 

Lively discussion lead by attorney/former newscaster on contemporary topics of interest to seniors, including: healthcare and news regarding Social Security and Medicare, new laws and proposals for changes (including taxes and estate planning), foreign affairs (including Israel), future elections and ballot propositions, and recent court decisions of interest to seniors, to name but a few of the hot topics we will have fun to explore in this class with our neutral moderator.

Asian Brush Painting

Thursdays | 11:15 am-2:15 pm

This is an introductory through advanced course in the art of the Asian brush, using watercolor, rice paper and ink. This course will explore the principles of art and design of Asian and American cultures. The student will learn how to use the Asian round brush using traditional and contemporary techniques.

Nutrition for Healthy Living

Thursdays | 12:30-2:00 pm (Ends 1/16/20. Not being offered Spring Semester.)

Find a healthy nutritional balance for life in these science-based lectures to help prevent chronic diseases, reduce premature death, and improve health and vitality.

Brain Fitness Basics

Fridays | 10:00 am-12:30 pm (Starts 1/31/20.)

Enhance your brain health using a brain-training program which targets cognitive functions like memory and processing speed, and presents lessons that support a brain-healthy lifestyle. Students will continue to do exercises at home. 

Online Music & Opera Appreciation

Tuesday | January 28, 1:00-3:00 pm OR Thursday, January 30, from 4:30-7:00 pm (meets at JCC one time for registration & orientation)

Online music course explores background of composers, their times and compositions from late Baroque to early Romantic periods. Enhance your enjoyment of the S.D. Opera and Met HD productions by better understanding each opera, its background, musical particulars, composer and times. Includes listening to samples and weekly online sessions. Meet for registration for one or both classes and learn how to navigate and continue in your own home at your own pace.