General Information
Table of Contents
Hours of Operation
Holiday Hours
Directions & Parking
Core Values
History of the JCC
LFJCC Annual Impact Report
Financial Information
Code of Conduct
Whistle Blower & Ethics Information
The mission of the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, JACOBS FAMILY CAMPUS is to connect the community to Jewish heritage, identity, experiences and values to ensure the continuity and vibrancy of the Jewish community. We accomplish our mission by promoting the physical and mental well-being of the community and offering a rich array of stimulating and innovative social, cultural, educational, and recreational programs and services. The LFJCC is committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for San Diego’s diverse Jewish community and its greater general community.
Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation
Main Facility and Fitness Center
Monday - Thursday, 6:00 am - 9:00 pm | Friday 6:00 am to 6:00 pm | Saturday - Sunday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friedenberg Olympic Pool
Monday - Thursday 6:00 am - 8:30 pm | Friday 6:00 AM - 5:30 PM | Saturday - Sunday 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Click here for LFJCC Holiday Hours
Directions & Parking
From I-805
Exit West La Jolla Village Dr.
West to Genesee Ave.
Right on Genesee Ave.
Left on Executive Dr. or Eastgate Mall Rd.
From I-5
Exit East La Jolla Village Dr.
East to Regents Rd.
Left on Regents Rd.
Right on Executive Dr. or Eastgate Mall Rd.
Enter front parking lot off of Executive Dr.
Enter back parking lot off of Eastgate Mall Rd. or Genesee Ave.
Enter parking structure off of Executive Dr. (for a fee - unless otherwise reserved for a JCC event)
Core Values of LFJCC as Content Pillars

Betzy Lynch, Chief Executive Officer
John Lefter, Chief Financial Officer
Adam Nicolai, Senior Director of Community Engagement & Partnerships
Fran Forman, Senior Director of Early Childhood Education & Programs
Spencer Lynch, Senior Director of Security & Sports, Fitness & Aquatics
JCC Board of Directors
Board Chair: Dr. Laurie Greenberg
Click here for a full list of the JCC Board of Directors.
San Diego Center for Jewish Culture (CJC) Board of Directors
Board Chair: Kira Finkenberg
Click here for a full list of CJC Board.
History of the Lawrence Family JCC
The Jewish Community Center of San Diego County was founded in 1945 in the College area by a handful of dedicated and visionary volunteers. After its "permanent" home was built in 1958 (on 54th Street), it quickly became a landmark for the community. For nearly fifty years, the original Center was the hub of Jewish life in San Diego, becoming a cultural source for all ages and providing meeting locations for thousands of projects and programs.
By the late 1970s, San Diego's Jewish community had grown and migrated north to the coastal areas of the county. As a result, in 1982 a plan was developed for a community center and public park, to be located in the University City/Golden Triangle area of La Jolla, and JCC executives signed a fifty-year lease with the City of San Diego.
In the early 1980s, jump-started by an initial $1 million gift from M. Larry Lawrence, more than $6 million was raised for the building of the new community center, including the Friedenberg Pool and the Albert A. Hutler Tennis Center. Thanks to the generosity of Mandell Weiss, the Mandell Weiss Eastgate City Park could also be created.
An additional $1.5 million was raised for further construction of the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center in 1985, enabling the building to expand to provide facilities for social programs and fitness classes. The NBA-regulation Jacobs Family Gymnasium, built during this phase, also provided a space for basketball and gymnastics classes. It wasn't long, however, before the JCC once again outgrew its space.
By 1992 the Board of Directors had planned the "Get Centered" Capital Campaign, led by Joan and Irwin Jacobs, and raised funds for the expansion and renovation of the existing JCC facilities. After many years of planning and two more years of construction, the JCC building tripled in size, covering 97,000 square feet.

The Lawrence Family JCC now boasts:

The San Diego Center for Jewish Culture, which presents nationally-recognized events and programs:
Lawrence Family JCC Facilities Include:

Impact Report & Video
2023-2024 JCC Annual Impact Report
2023-2024 JCC Annual Impact Video
Financial Information
Audited LFJCC Consolidated Financial Statements 2023 and 2022
Audited LFJCC Consolidated Financial Statements 2022 and 2021
Audited LFJCC Consolidated Financial Statements 2021 and 2020
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Form 990 - FY2022
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Form 990 - FY2021
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Form 990 - FY2020
Financial Information - San Diego Center for Jewish Culture (SDCJC)
Audited CJC Financial Statement 2023 and 2022
Audited CJC Financial Statement 2022 and 2021
Audited CJC Financial Statement 2021 and 2020
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Form 990 - FY2022
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Form 990 - FY2021
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Form 990 - FY2020
Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, JACOBS FAMILY CAMPUS Code of Conduct
Purpose of Code of Conduct:
This Code is designed to promote honest, ethical, and lawful conduct by all employees, volunteers, officers and directors, members, and visitors to the LFJCC. This code is intended to help you understand the organization’s standards of ethical and legal issues that you may encounter in carrying out your responsibilities to the organization. In addition, independent contractors, consultants, and agents who represent the LFJCC are expected to apply the same high standards while working on LFJCC business.
Fraud Prevention:
The organization prohibits all forms of enticement and bribery. All employees, volunteers, officers, and directors are prohibited from soliciting, accepting, or offering any bribe in conducting the organization’s business or activities. When conducting business for the organization, the following guidelines apply:
- Solicit or accept any benefit from others as a reward for or incentive to do any act or show favor in relation to the organization's business or activities.
- Do not accept gifts valued at more than $25.00.
- Accept or give gifts of cash or cash equivalents, such as non-merchant specific gift certificates or gift cards (e.g., VISA or American Express regardless of the amount).
- Gifts for staff for specific work anniversaries are allowed and have specific amounts and values. Such Gifts are covered by the AWARDS & RECOGNITION POLICY, available upon request.
Additionally, any gifts given must be accurately and fully disclosed in the appropriate expense report with enough detail to reflect the true nature of the expense and the full names and associations of all parties involved. If you are offered or receive an expensive or inappropriate gift, politely refuse by explaining the LFJCC’s policy on accepting gifts. In-kind, tickets to games, etc., even inexpensive gifts, should not be accepted if they might be seen as a form of bribery.
Conflicts of Interest:
All employees, volunteers, officers, and directors owe an obligation of loyalty to the organization. This obligation requires that they exercise their powers in good faith and in the best interests of the organization, rather than in their own interests or the interests of another entity or person. Neither the organization nor any person shall enter into any transaction or arrangement that involves an actual, potential, or apparent conflict of interest. You may have a conflict of interests if you, a family member, or a member of your household:
- benefits personally from opportunities or resources that came to you as a result of your work at the organization.
- works for or manages (directly or indirectly) someone with whom there is a close personal relationship (e.g., spouse, family member, close friend, or significant other).
- having a direct or indirect financial interest in an activity undertaken by the organization.
- accepts personal gifts or entertainment from supervisors, donors, or vendors of the organization.
- any other situation which may persuade against the individual from acting in the best interest of the organization.
A conflict of interest should be identified and disclosed. It may result in the individual being asked to recuse themselves from the relationship or negotiation or be given a specific waiver by a vote of the Board of Directors. In some cases, the conflict of interest may disqualify the person from an activity. At which point they will be notified.
If in doubt identify the potential conflict for review below.
Inclusive Work Environment: Non-Discrimination and Freedom from Harassment
The organization promotes inclusiveness to have its employees, volunteers, officers, and directors reflect diversity in order to enrich its programmatic effectiveness. We base recruiting decisions, including selection, development, and compensation decisions, on an individual’s qualifications, skills, and performance. We do not base these decisions on personal characteristics or status, such as race, ethnicity, color, sex, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability. The organization will make reasonable efforts to accommodate any qualified disabled person unless such accommodations would impose an undue hardship on the operations of the center.
The organization is committed to a workplace that is free from sexual, racial, or other forms of harassment. In addition, the organization will not tolerate the possession, use, or distribution of offensive materials on the organization’s property or the use of the organization’s personal computers or other equipment to obtain or view such materials. If you believe that you have been harassed you should report the incident to an appropriate supervisor or Human Resources or submit a report to our third-party whistleblower agency, who will arrange for it to be investigated. All efforts will be made to handle the investigation confidentially.
Health and Safety:
The organization is committed to providing a drug-free work environment. The illegal possession, distribution, or use of any controlled substances on the organization’s premises or at organization functions is strictly prohibited.
Likewise, reporting to work under the influence of any illegal drug or alcohol and the abuse of alcohol or medications in the workplace is not in the organization’s best interest and violates this code.
Safety is a priority:
All accidents, injuries, or concerns about unsafe equipment, practices, conditions, or other potential hazards should be immediately reported. An incident report will be generated and communicated to the Building Supervisor on Duty.
Confidential Information:
You are responsible for safeguarding any LFJCC confidential information under your control. Any confidential information, whether oral, written, or electronic, should be maintained in a manner that ensures its confidentiality. The release of any such confidential information may result in negative financial or cause legal or other non-beneficial impacts on the interests of the organization.
Confidential Information must be treated with respect and care by any employees, volunteers, officers, and directors who are authorized to have access to this information. Any access to information must be appropriate to their job responsibility. A breach is a violation of this policy which may result in disciplinary action including termination.
The management of the LFJCC is responsible for communicating this Code of Conduct to all of its employees, volunteers, officers, and directors and for ensuring its adherence at all times.
- Your supervisor
- HR:
- (third-party confidential, anonymous reporting)
- HOTLINE: 1-844-208-6157
Whistle Blower & Ethics Information
Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. Our written standards and policies contain general guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics. Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching management in instances where you believe violations of policies or standards have occurred. In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, you are encouraged to use this whistleblower hotline, hosted by a third-party provider, EthicsPoint.
You are encouraged to submit a report relating to violations stated in our written standards and policies, as well as asking for guidance related to policies and procedures and providing positive suggestions and stories. The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.
EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service: Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.