Holocaust Education
Lessons of the Past Teach Tolerance in the Present
The Holocaust Education Program is Generously Supported by the Viterbi Family Foundation
As we enter into an era where we begin to lose first-hand knowledge and accounts of the Holocaust, the Lawrence Family JCC dedicates itself to continuing education, within and beyond the walls of our building. Our Holocaust Education Page leverages the catastrophic history of the Holocaust to advance the cause of ensuring the world never forgets. Through inventive programming, we aim to foster tolerance, facilitate meaningful dialogues, and encourage a deeper understanding and appreciation of diversity. Located at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, the Astor Judaica Library and the Community Holocaust Memorial Garden honor the memory of the Holocaust and its victims, as well as its profound lessons.
Programs at the J
At the Lawrence Family JCC, in part with the Center for Jewish Culture, we aim to embark on a journey of remembrance and reflection. We come together to pay homage to the memory of the millions of lives shattered during one of the darkest chapters in human history, the Holocaust. Through our Holocaust-themed programs, we aim to honor the victims, celebrate the survivors, and ensure that the lessons learned from this tragedy are never forgotten. Together, we strive to shed light on the past, find inspiration in the resilience of those who endured, and commit to a future rooted in compassion, tolerance, and the unwavering pursuit of justice.
With innovative programming, the CJC offers Holocaust Educational Experiences unlike any other. Our programs host various points of view and stories from the Shoah, including the Holocaust through the eyes of a K-9 and a stage reading with excerpts from children's drawings and poems while in the Terezin Concentration Camp. We also aim to support Holocaust education beyond the physical walls of the JCC, such as partnering with the film Simone: Woman of the Century at the San Diego International Film Festival. Thank you for joining us on this meaningful journey of remembrance and education.
Upcoming Events
Holocaust Memorial Garden

What is the Holocaust Memorial Garden?
In April of 2000, the Holocaust Memorial Garden was solemnly dedicated to commemorate the impact of the Holocaust. This space, placed outside the front entrance of the LFJCC building, features four striking granite monuments:
- The Wall of Names is meticulously inscribed with the names of 700 Holocaust victims, each of whom had surviving relatives in the San Diego area.
- A second wall bearing the names of Holocaust survivors residing in San Diego at the time of the Garden's dedication is a testament to the resilience of those who endured unimaginable suffering.
- A third wall serves as a historical timeline, chronicling the tragic events of the Holocaust from 1933 to 1945.
- The names of concentration and labor camps stand as harrowing reminders of the horrors that unfolded.
The stones within the garden bear etchings of the communities affected by the Holocaust, connecting us to the countless lives disrupted by this tragedy. Within this sacred space, a special stone stands in reverence to the Righteous Among the Nations: individuals who, in the darkest of times, displayed exceptional courage and humanity by aiding those in need.
The Holocaust Memorial Garden stands as a powerful tribute, inviting us to remember, reflect, and ensure that the lessons of history are never forgotten.
Community Holocaust Organizations
The Butterfly Project: https://thebutterflyprojectnow.org/
The Butterfly Project is a call to action through education, the arts, and memorial-making. They teach social justice through lessons of the Holocaust, educating participants about the dangers of hatred and bigotry to create empathy and social responsibility. By painting ceramic butterflies, which are displayed as symbols of resilience and hope, participants remember the 1.5 million children killed during the Holocaust.
RUTH - Remember Us the Holocaust Exhibit in Rancho San Diego: https://rememberustheholocaust.org/
The RUTH exhibit features photos, documents, and items from Holocaust survivors in San Diego County who continue to educate and share their stories. South Bay survivors contribute to the display along with the Jewish communities of Chula Vista. This exhibit was the first Holocaust exhibit throughout San Diego County. The RUTH exhibit was located at the Chula Vista Heritage Museum from 2020-2022 and is now on display at the Rancho San Diego Library. They provide a unique and immersive experience, shedding light on all victims of the Holocaust.
Holocaust Museum LA: https://www.holocaustmuseumla.org/
Excerpts from I Never Saw Another Butterfly: I Never Saw Another Butterfly Excerpts
Purchase the full book of poems: https://www.amazon.com/Never-Saw-Another-Butterfly-Concentration/dp/0805210156